C++ concepts (N4647): cover the basics and show how they relate to templates (the “peel off onion layers” technique).

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The fundamental claim is that we use concepts to model the world, in the same way we use types and instances of a type. See the abstract/concrete genus on the 2nd page of “Elements of programming” for this claim. The question is how to best represent them in C++.

The C++ concepts (as in the N4647 proposal for the C++ language) are part of the continuing the work on providing better support for generic programming.

They have a long history that includes older proposals that almost made into the C++ 11 standard, a major rethink as part of the Palo Alto report, which led to the current proposal for which this article will cover the basics.

Concepts also have a close relationship to templates. This article will also cover the “peel off onion layers” technique of incrementally decomposing concept usage to its templates equivalents.

Context - generic min

To provide some context, I’ll start with one of the simplest generic methods, called min (i.e. like std::min from the standard library) that takes two arguments and returns the smaller one of the two.

Using C++ templates, the declaration would look like this:

template<typename T>
const T & min(const T & a, const T & b) {
  // implementation here

In the code above, min is a template function with a type T as a parameter. It takes two arguments by const reference of T which means that they will not be copied, and could be either some variables or temporaries. The return value type is the same of the two arguments.

Note that, you might also consider an overload that takes non-const references (unlike the current standard std::min).

As for the implementation a first option would look like:

if (a < b) return a; else return b; // not quite right

This implementation will do, except that it does not provide the ideal behaviour when the values of the arguments are equal.

One train of thought is that if the arguments are equal, it does not matter which one is returned.

However equal does not mean identical, and one can probe the address of the returned value to see which one is returned. Also min does not exist in isolation, but in relationship with other algorithms.

You might have a max, and then you might expect that min and max never return the same argument (unlike the current std::min and std::max). Also min is some sort of minimalistic sort and there we also have a stable_sort with the meaning that it preserves the order of equal elements, (with an additional cost in the case of stable_sort).

That means that it makes sense for min to return the first argument when equal, because it turns out that we can have the stability property at additional cost:

if (a <= b) return a; else return b; // still not quite right

But again min does not live in isolation, and you might expect a generalized version that takes a comparison function which traditionally works similar to <. That leads to:

if (b < a) return b; else return a;  // canonical implementation

The generalized version of min, that takes a comparison function, would look very similar, passing to the comparison function b first and a second, in the same order as for < above.


The question now is: what are the requirements on the arguments (and the type T of the arguments in particular)?

Given the definition above the type T is usually deduced, so one can call min(3, 4) and the compiler determines that the type T is int.

The type T could be some built-in type, like int, or a user defined type with appropriate operators defined, like std::string or a person structure with first name and last name as fields.

One option would be to say that type T has to have an operator < defined and that’s pretty much it. This approach does not work at scale.

The other approach would be to first realize that when we discussed the implementation of min above, we expect that if < is defined, then also >, <= and >= are defined. Also < is related to == that should also be defined. This would be syntactic expectations. Also we would expect them to work in a particular way, for example that given two values a and b, then either a < b or b < a or a == b. This would be semantic expectations.

The current proposal for concepts in C++ allows capturing the syntactic requirements, however good practice is that they are backed by semantic expectations (that the current proposal will not capture or enforce).

template<typename T>
concept bool StrictlyTotallyOrdered() {
  return EqualityComparable<T>() &&
    requires (const T a, const T b) {
      { a < b } -> Boolean;
      { a > b } -> Boolean;
      { a <= b } -> Boolean;
      { a >= b } -> Boolean;

In the current proposal concepts are templates, introduced by the concept keyword. They are booleans evaluated at compile time either as a function (above) or a variable. Because they are templates you can for example have more than one type and express requirements between several types (e.g. between a matrix, vector and scalar type), or even non-types (e.g. an integer constant).

In this case StrictlyTotallyOrdered relies on EqualiyComparable for the equality requirements, and defines on top of that it’s own syntactic requiremens using the new requires keyword. This concept has semantic expectations that are not captured.

Here requires is a requires-expression.


With that concept the min function can look like below.

const StrictlyTotallyOrdered & min(
    const StrictTotallyOrdered & a,
    const StrictTotallyOrdered & b) {
  if (b < a) return b; else return a;

However the above is really an abreviated template and using the “peel the onion layers” looks like the template below.

template<StrictlyTotallyOrdered T>
const T & min(const T & a, const T & b) {
  if (b < a) return b; else return a;

The above looks almost like a traditional template function, except that it uses the concept name instead of typename.

Again this is equivalent to the one below.

template<typename T>
  requires StrictlyTotallyOrdered<T>()
const T & min(const T & a, const T & b) {
  if (b < a) return b; else return a;

requires above is a requires-clause, and other than that it looks like a traditional template function.

The rule that we used to derive this equivalent is that the first template parameter of a concept definition is special (named prototype parameter) and when we replace the concept with typename and move it into the requires-clause then we fill it with the type T that stood in front of it.

When min is instantiated with some type (typically deduced from the arguments), then the compiler evaluates at compile time the concept with that type as a boolean: true if we have a match, false if we don’t.


Let’s look at a requires-expression and see what type of constraints we can apply.

requires(const B b1, const B b2) {
  bool(b1); // expression constraint
  typename B::type; // type constraint
  { !b1 } -> bool; // implicit conversion
  { b1 && b2 } -> Same<bool>; // argument deduction

The first constraint is an expression constraint: the expression bool(b1) must compile.

The second is a type constraint B must define a type type.

The third example is in addition that !b1 must compile, it must be convertible to a bool.

The last example is a bit more complex.b1 && b2 must compile, and the expression must be kind of Same<bool>.

The problem is that Same is a concept, and the intution says that it must take two types, e.g. T and U, and the concept enforces that the types are the same. But here we just see one type: bool. Where is the other type?

When after -> there is a concept, as Same<bool> above, then the compiler invents some fictional function with that as the argument type and checks if it can pass the expression as the argument for that invented function.

void fn(Same<bool> x); // invent
fn(b1 && b2); // check if it compiles

From then on it’s simple: the invented function fn is equivalent to:

template<Same<bool> T>
void fn(T x);

Which is equivalent to:

template<typename T>
  requires Same<T, bool>
void fn(T x);

And that’s as above because again the first template parameter of a concept definition is special.

So now sanity is restored we see that Same is actually used with two types as expected.

Error messages

Error messages are notoriously difficult when dealing with templates.

min as above would probably be implemented simply as:

  if (b < a) return b; else return a;

But often we delegate the implementation to other functions e.g.:

struct less
  template<typename T>
  bool operator()(const T & a, const T & b) const {
    return a < b;

struct identity
  template<typename T>
  const T & operator()(const T & x) const {
    return x;

// generalized min taking comparison and projection
template<typename T, typename Cmp, typename Proj>
const T & min(const T & a, const T & b, Cmp cmp, Proj proj) {
  if (cmp(proj(b), proj(a))) return a; else return b;

// generalized min taking comparison
template<typename T, typename Cmp>
const T & min(const T & a, const T & b, Cmp cmp) {
  return min(a, b, cmp, identity());

// straight forward min
template<typename T>
const T & min(const T & a, const T & b) {
  return min(a, b, less());

If you try to invoke the straight forward min with an unsuitable type you’ll get an error that basically follows the nesting of whatever the implementation happens to be:

program.cpp: In instantiation of ‘bool less::operator()(const T&, const T&) const [with T = X]’:
program.cpp:24:10:   required from ‘const T& min(const T&, const T&, Cmp, Proj) [with T = X; Cmp = less; Proj = identity]’
program.cpp:29:13:   required from ‘const T& min(const T&, const T&, Cmp) [with T = X; Cmp = less]’
program.cpp:34:13:   required from ‘const T& min(const T&, const T&) [with T = X]’
program.cpp:47:24:   required from here
program.cpp:10:14: error: no match for ‘operator<’ (operand types are ‘const X’ and ‘const X’)
     return a < b;

With concepts the error message would look differently:

prog.cc:38:32: note: candidate: 'const StrictlyTotallyOrdered& min(const auto:1&, const auto:1&) [with auto:1 = X]'
 const StrictlyTotallyOrdered & min(const StrictlyTotallyOrdered & a, const StrictlyTotallyOrdered & b) {
prog.cc:38:32: note:   constraints not satisfied
prog.cc:2:14: note: within 'template<class T> concept bool StrictlyTotallyOrdered() [with T = X]'
 concept bool StrictlyTotallyOrdered() {
prog.cc:2:14: note:     with 'const X a'
prog.cc:2:14: note:     with 'const X b'
prog.cc:2:14: note: the required expression '(a < b)' would be ill-formed
prog.cc:2:14: note: the required expression '(a > b)' would be ill-formed
prog.cc:2:14: note: the required expression '(a <= b)' would be ill-formed
prog.cc:2:14: note: the required expression '(a >= b)' would be ill-formed

It does not look shorter, but the important bit is that the error message can point you to what you need to do (ensure the type passed is StrictlyTotallyOrdered, not to what the implementation happens to be.


We live on shoulders of giants. For refernce see below:

Elements of Programming (book by Alexander A. Stepanov and Paul McJones)

Concepts overview (Bjarne Stroustrup)

Concepts proposal wording (Andrew Sutton)

Ranges TS (Eric Niebler, Casey Carter)

Stackoverflow answer for concepts placeholder type deduction (by Luc Danton):