When a vector resizes and needs to transfer existing values to the larger array: does it copy or does it move them? It’s more complicated than it should be.

In the previous articles I used ambiguous expressions such as “move/copy” when referring to the transfer of existing values when resizing a vector. This article explains why.

Pre C++11

Pre C++11 the vector would copy on resize. That’s not a problem for built-in types like ints that can just be bitwise copied.

But vectors of containers, such as std::vector<std::string> would usually have to copy the values on resize. The library could have done something special about types it knew, such as std::string, but it will have to copy when faced with new types, even as simple as:

struct some_struct {
  std::string m0;
// pre C++11 would copy for resize of
// std::vector<some_struct>

Also there are types that hold a resource, which are not copyable. Pre C++11 such types would have private copy operations to prevent accidental copying, but then they could not be stored easily in containers such as std::vector.

template<typename T>
struct pre_cpp11_ptr {
  T * ptr;
  pre_cpp11_ptr(T* raw) : ptr(raw) {}
  ~pre_cpp11_ptr { delete ptr; }

  //make copy private, but can't use std::vector<pre_cpp11_ptr<int> >
  pre_cpp11_ptr(const pre_cpp11_ptr &);
  pre_cpp11_ptr & operator=(const pre_cpp11_ptr &);

C++ 11

C++ 11 introduces the move semantics.

That means that std::vector<std::string> moves the std::string values instead of copying when it resizes, even if they are inside structures as some_struct above.

Also C++ 11 comes with std::unique_ptr, which can be put in a vector, i.e. std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>>. The std::unique_ptr values are moved when the vector resizes. Note that you can’t take a copy of a std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>> as the std::unique_ptr can’t be copied.

So it’s all good, right?


It turns out it’s very difficult to determine based on the standard if a values of a vector are moved or copied. For example you might get that the choice depends on the result of !std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<T> && std::is_copy_constructible_v<T>.

But then it gets complicated. For example for std::is_move_constructible on which the nothrow version is based has edge cases where it returns true even if there is no move constructor, because types without a move constructor, but with a copy constructor that accepts const T & arguments, satisfy std::is_move_constructible.

Also std::is_copy_constructible returns true for types that cannot be copied e.g. std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>>. In this case the std::vector has a copy constructor, which actually can’t be instantiated successfully.

Recommended idiom

But all this standardese is irrelevant if types that you might put into a container have a non throwing move constructor. That is a good idiom to follow:

  • For low level classes, e.g. for RAII classes, for your own container classes, ensure you have a non-trowing move which just transfer ownership involving copying of handles/pointers and invalidating the ones at the source of the move. These operations don’t involve anything that might throw. Mark the move constructor and assignment as noexcept.
  • For the rest of classes let the compiler generate moves. They will be noexcept assuming only types as above are used.

However there are also cases where move could throw.

One example is if you use certain kinds of allocators and you “move” from a container that uses a allocator in some area of memory to a container with allocation in some other area of memory. That “move” really involves copy, which means it might throw if allocations fail. If you don’t use custom allocators this does not apply to your application.

Containers with dynamically allocated sentinel

However there is another case that involves standard containers such as std::list, std::deque, std::map etc. even if custom allocators are not involved.

For example Microsoft’s std::list can throw in move constructors.


This is due to a combination of design decissions that end up having consequences.

  • It uses a dynamically allocated sentinel: the dummy node with two pointers next and prev, but value. This has the advantage that it provides an end iterator that does not get invalidated in a variety of scenarios. E.g. the end iterator for std::vector gets invalidated on resizes, inserts etc.
  • It does not have “moved from” state that is different from an empty container. This is a dubious decision, but I believe it’s mandated by the standard and would be difficult to change. A much better idiom would have been to say “moved from objects can be destroyed or assigned to, but not usable otherwise”.
  • The way the move semantics is implemented in C++: the move constructor does not know if/how the “moved from” object will be used.

Therefore a vector of container with dynamically allocated sentinel, e.g. Microsoft’sstd::vector<std::list<int>>, copies the values on a push_back resize, in order to maintain the strong guarantees, in face of the Microsoft’sstd::list not having a noexcept move constructor.

It turns out that many other of Microsoft’s standard containers have the same issue std::map, std::unordered_map, std::deque etc.

g++ seems to kind of avoid this issue except for std::deque. To complicate further, std::vector<std::deque<int>> is fine, because of a special treatment.

However for both:

struct some_struct {
  std::list<int> m0;
  std::deque<int> m1;
// would copy for resize of
// std::vector<some_struct>
// just as it did pre-C++11


NOTE: I used Microsoft vs g++ compilers as a oversimplification. More precisely, the behaviour depends on the standard library implementation, not on the compiler. For a survey of container noexcept behaviour see:

Howard E. Hinnant: Container Survey - 2015-06-27

Ville Voutilainen et al. N4055: Ruminations on (node-based) containers and noexcept - 2014-07-02

Testing the vector behaviour source code.