Handling normal, pure data and functions.

This article is part of a series of articles on programming idioms.

This idiom is suitable for when you just have some data, a group of values on which processing is just pure calculation producing different data that is then transferred elsewhere.

Regular data

If you want some number you use int.

If you want some string you use std::string.

If you want group some pieces of data you build your own class like this in C++20:

struct person
  std::string first_name;
  std::string last_name;
  int age{};

  constexpr std::strong_ordering
    operator<=>(const person &) const noexcept = default;

Other than the operator<=> gobbledigook it looks straightforward.

Though a combination of the special operations that the compiler defaults implicitly and the comparison that is defaulted explicitly, you end up with a class that is very much like the int and std::string:

  • you can default construct an instance
  • you can destroy it (when it gets out of scope)
  • you can copy and move
  • it has equality and order

And these operators work properly, e.g. if you take a copy, the copy is equal to the original: it’s a regular class.

Regularity is really the benchmark on which other types will be judged i.e. “this other type really can’t be regular because …”

You can compose this kind of classes on top of person in a similar fashion by having a person as a member.

Regular functions

You might obtain a person instance by parsing a JSON string or you might check that the age member is in a reasonable range.

person person_from_json_string(const std::string & input) {

  person return_value;

  // parse the input and assign to members
  return_value.first_name = ...;
  return_value.last_name = ...;
  return_value.age = ...;

  return return_value;

bool is_valid_age(const person & x) {
  return (x.age >= 0) && (x.age < 150);

These are functions that just do calculations on regular data and called again on equal inputs they return equal results: they are regular functions.

They take regular types as arguments, by const & usually, unless very small like int when they go by value. Errors are usually rare, mostly out of memory and exceptions are the way to indicate errors.

Notice how characteristics of the regular data already come useful even in this simple example: default constructor: to “just” declare the return_value variable, equality for the tests.


Regular entities are easy to test, you can write pure unit tests in the style “for these input values, expect output equals this value”: value testing.

TEST(person_from_json, trivial)
  person actual  = person_from_json_string("...");
  person expected{
    .first_name = "Father",
    .flast_name = "Christmas",
    .age = 100
  ASSERT_EQ(expected, actual);

Note: using the dots for the fields we initialize is called designated initializer list.

We often think this as a unit test for the person_from_json_string function. It indirectly tests person as well, though often we would not write an explicit test for person.

STL style containers and algorithms

Related and supporting the regular idiom are STL style containers and algorithms.

If you need to store several person instances you use a std::vector<person>.

Containers like std::vector or std::string have to explicitly define all the operations that are required for a regular class. For example they need to explicitly implement the copy assignment container operator=(const container & other) the details of which are quite low level especially for a generic, library quality type (e.g. the destination buffer, if large enough, can be reused). Their implementation lacks the simplicity of the person type above. But the net result is that such a container accepts regular types and itself it’s a regular type when instantiated with regular types.

You can use std::sort to sort the vector. And it can be sorted by a different criteria, e.g. by the value of the age member variable. Assuming such a sorted vector, you can use std::equal_range to find the range of people having a certain age, or just use std::lower_bound to find the beginning of the range (the position where the first person of a certain age would be).

The iterators used for such positions are almost as regular, but they miss order (they only have equality).

Why this idiom works?

The reason it works is that it maps to the way computers work: data is memory, functions are instructions, it does not need additional virtual machine processing to adapt the code world to the real hardware world.

The data types define how to interpret memory. On a typical 64 bit machine our person class has for each string 3 pointers of 8 bytes each (or a bit more to allow for small string optimisation), the pointers pointing to heap allocated arrays of chars, followed by integer of 4 bytes (signed, two’s complement representation), followed by a padding of 4 bytes (so that in an array the string pointers are aligned to a multiple of 8 address).

Of the characteristics of a regular data type, some are programming related like destructors, move, default constructor. But others like copy, equality and order are the very things that allow for mathematical reasoning involved in algorithm design, optimisations, costs and performance.

Concretely, if you think about it, std::sort needs to be able to move things around (a sorted sequence is a permutation of the original) and it needs that the data type can be ordered.

Historical note: The design of STL, that was incorporated and extended into the C++ standard libraries, was intended to provide generic solutions to handle these regular data types and functions. The terminology regular comes ultimately from the design of STL (i.e. from asking the question of what kind of types should the containers be able to hold).

Note: The std::regular concept in C++20 is a downgrade on the requirements as shown in this table:

Characteristics Elements of Programming Standard library
Fully regular e.g person Regular (basically as used here) -
Without order Semiregular (probably) std::regular
Without equality - std::semiregular

The downgrade is probably the result of the effort to accommodate more weird scenarios in the standard library.

Compared with OOP

This approach diverges from the traditional object oriented programming (approach).

person_from_json_string is not a member function, it’s just a standalone function. The common OOP choice of making such a function a member of the person type is more a reflection of the fact that usually std::string is not user defined, but person is and can be extended, rather than some sound principle.

Members of person are not private, they don’t have getters and setters. const person allows read-only access to the members. Direct access to member variables comes useful sometimes e.g. to move into their values.

What are it’s limits?

Not all the functions that are pure calculation are regular. E.g. addressof for any type and also capacity() for std::string and std::vector are not regular.

A function like

std::string download_url(const std::string & url);

looks very much like the regular functions above, but is not regular if it connects to the network and at different times will return different results.

Not all the work done by a computer is pure calculation and for that we’ll look at another idiom.