Closing remarks on programming idioms. Divergence from idioms, smart pointers in the mocking interfaces idiom, threading issues. Programmer’s Occam’s razor.

This article is part of a series of articles on programming idioms.

Recap of idioms

We’ve seen three popular idioms. These are not the only idioms, there are special idioms around writing C++ standard library code, around multi-threading libraries, for boost::asio concurrency handling, for coroutines, for compile time computation, for numerical processing etc.

Of the three, the regular data and functions is the most sound one. There are some legacy problems. I wish there was no need for so much gobbledigook required to default equality and order. There is silliness around comparison of float types. Containers like std::list, std::map, std::set etc. have still to catch up in 2022 for their constexpr behaviour and also have madness around their default constructor and move constructor noexcept behaviour in Microsoft libraries. It will take a long time to address these now legacy issues in the compiler and libraries.

The C API wrapping idiom might have some controversial issues around error handling, but the adoption of std::filesystem in code bases (and of boost::filesystem before that) shows that it’s ballpark right.

The mockable interfaces idiom is the least sound one. If used carefully, it can provide benefits in terms of ability to unit tests things that are not leafs in the graph of code dependencies.

Deviation: return value is by reference

Usually regular types are returned from functions, not returned indirectly via an argument passed by reference. And yet, practically that’s what std::getline does:

... std::getline(... , std::string & str);

The downside of this approach is that it raises questions about the pre-conditions of such arguments, e.g. should str be an empty string before calling the function?

In the case of the std::getline, the rationale of the deviation from the idiom is that the function is meant to read lines from a stream. As we read characters from the stream and append them to str until we encounter the end of line, the string has to keep on being allocated to larger capacities. By passing it by reference we avoid allow the usage where the str is eventually allocated to the size of the largest line, after which no more allocations happen.

This is an example of deviation from idiom where the gain is larger than the loss.

Minor deviation from regular

Consider this:

struct person
  std::string first_name{};
  std::string last_name{};
  int age{};

We initialized with curly brackets the std::string members, not just the int. This is a deviation that is just a matter of style, it does not really matter.

Also we did not even have to use this class in a test, so we did not even implement equality. For a class local to a cpp file, it does not matter much.

Despite this minor deviations, we still look at this person as (at least potentially) a fully, proper regular data class.

Smart pointers for interface members

What if we follow on the C.12 recommendation to use smart pointers? Well, foo might start looking like this:

example; bad

class foo : public foo_interface {
  std::unique_ptr<bar_interface> bar_;
  std::unique_ptr<buzz_interface> buzz_;
  const std::string fred_;

  foo(std::unique_ptr<bar_interface> bar,
      std::unique_ptr<buzz_interface> buzz,
      const std::string & fred):
    bar_{ std::move(bar) }, buzz_{ std::move(buzz) }, fred_{ fred }

  // implement in terms of bar_->, buzz_-> and fred_
  void some_fn() override;
  int some_fn2() override;

There are many problems with this approach. We now have to allocate on the heap.

Using unique_ptr subtly changes the life-cycle of the classes, a class like buzz is created outside foo, but destroyed inside foo. So for example if bar refers to buzz in it’s destructor, changing the order might lead to using dangling references. This is subtle cause for bugs (or potential bugs waiting to happen).

example; bad

int main() {
  auto z = std::make_unique<buzz>();
  auto y = std::make_unique<bar>();
  foo x{ std::move(y), std::move(z), "flintstone" };
  but if we add waldo below
  waldo w{ x, y };
  more changes are required

When we add waldo in the code above, then we also have to change:

  • y to instantiate via std::make_shared
  • x instantiated via std::make_unique
  • pass y into x without moving
  • store bar_ inside foo as a std::shared_ptr
  • change constructor of foo to take buzz_interface as std::shared_ptr

Using smart pointers resulted in having to change foo because waldo uses bar. This is silly.

Using shared_ptr has more overhead than unique_ptr both in memory requirements and in additional runtime work to increment/decrement the reference counts (in a thread safe manner). It also creates the risk of circular references. Even without circular references, the objects will be destoryed: but when? Using smart pointers does not solve all life-cycle questions.

Using pointers also raises the question: what if any the pointers is null?

To me it looks like using smart pointers for interface members in the mockable interfaces idiom is similar with using const reference member interfaces: it’s done with good intentions, but it’s not smart, it harms more then it helps, it uses a more complex solution to not achieve more.

But there are two observations from this.

First is that computers are very accepting of bad idioms. It’s easy to get into the habit of using a bad idiom because there is often no quick negative feedback.

Second is that the mockable interfaces idiom in particular is bad at isolating issues. Notice how bad usage of const or smart pointers has a ripple effect e.g. how because waldo is using bar means that foo also has to change.

Threading concerns

With the regular data idiom things are relatively easy. You pass a copy to a thread, that’s about it. Or if you pass a const reference, you need to make sure another thread can’t change it (else you need synchronisation), ensure that the life (scope) of the data outlives the thread using it, but again that’s about it.

With the C API wrap idiom, questions like: “can I open a file from a thread, pass the handle to another thread and read file contents from there?” are largely questions for the underlying C API.

With the mockable interfaces idiom, because we usually arrange them to not be copyable, ideally you arrange to pass regular data between threads as above. If you pass the interfaces, then you usually pass them by reference and also have to ensure the life of the interface (and the interfaces it uses) outlive the thread using it. But then also if methods could be called from multiple threads, then if this object does not synchronizes the calls itself, it forwards the threading handling question to the interfaces it uses and so on, another example where the mockable interfaces idiom is bad at isolating issues.


It’s important to have a vocabulary of good idioms. There are productivity gains to be had from separating code in pieces that follow well understood rules that do not require comments and deviations from the idiom. Deviations from the idiom fall into several categories:

  • Minor and not important
  • There might be a good reason to deviate
  • Bad, but persistent due to lack of instant negative feedback.

Apply a programmer’s version of Occam’s razor: only use a more complex programming tool if a simpler one can’t do the job adequately.