A brief history of concepts in C++

This article is part of a series on the history of regular data type in C++.

Pre C++ 11

Concepts in C++ are closely related to support for generic solutions.

The idea that some C++ types have shared characteristics occurs arguably accidentally first in C where you have:

  • numeric types such as int and float: they all have sum, product etc.
  • of which some are:
    • real number approximations such as float and double
    • or integers such as int and unsigned int: they also can bit shifted
      • which can be signed as short, int and long
      • or unsigned

But the deliberate investigation of such common characteristics comes from Alex Stepanov and his collaborators in the search of defining generic algorithms. Such investigation used initially some academic languages, followed by Ada, followed by an attempt in C++ when he joined Bell Laboratories in late 80s.

C++ at that point did not have templates, Bjarne Stroustroup prioritised the work on vtable based inheritance, for a while he thought macros are enough for generic containers. However that state of affairs was not optimal. Vtable based inheritance suffers from the issue. Consider apple and orange derived from fruit and equality is part of the fruit interface, it provides fruits when the intended behaviour is to compare apple with apple and orange with orange. Also macros work for small teams, but do not scale.

So Bjarne Stroustroup added templates to C++. And although they are kind of similar to macros (they share some of the cryptic error messages), templates are also different and they scale for larger development teams and code bases (they have more compiler mechanics compared with macros).

With templates now in C++, Alex Stepanov develops STL (the Standard Template Library) with containers like vector, list, map and algorithms like sort, binary_search, rotate. Around that time the C++ community is looking for a container library. Containers in STL did not look like what people expected at the time, they expected inheritance from vtable interfaces, but the likes of Bjarne looked at STL containers and thought that it’s a far better container library than what they’ve seen before. With the encouragement of the likes of Andrew Koenig, Alex Stepanov prepared and proposed large parts of STL for inclusion in the C++ standard. And most of the people thought they now have a container library with some algorithms, while Alex Stepanov thought he had an algorithm library with some containers.

But other than the algorithms and containers, it had documentation. And the documentation specified requirements on the types used with the generic library.

For example many algorithms accepted iterators and you understood that the iterator type has to implement operator++ to advance to the next value in the sequence and opetator* to dereference the value (syntax requirements), that sometimes there was a hierarchy (e.g. random access iterators were also bidirectional iterators), and that forward in input iterators were different not in syntax, but in guarantees of being able to access a previous value in the sequence after advancing to the next value (semantic requirements).

Should you give a unsuitable type (syntactically), the compiler would usually throw at you a long, often cryptic, list of error messages.

C++ 11

C++ 11 was formerly called C++0x because it was expected to be published before 2010.

Significant effort was put into adding concept representation in the language. From what I could figure out there were two different proposals from two groups, the groups eventually worked together, and concepts were added to the standard. There were complexities in the proposal, such as the idea of mapping, e.g. a iterator type might not implement operator++, but instead have a function next(), mapping allows capturing concepts regardless of such syntactic differences.

But the realisation came that the solution incorporated in the standard is not suitable long term, so it was taken out of the standard and that was one of the reasons for the delay in the C++ 11 publication.

Post C++ 11 to C++20

The committee’s trust on concept implementation dropped as a result of the C++ 11 experience, so they demanded to see how proposed solutions would apply to the standard library. The first attempts struggled with what it looked like there would be as many concepts as algorithm functions in the standard library.

In the end Alex Stepanov was briefly involved and Bjarne Stroustrup lobbied what became the C++20 concepts, among other things convincing that it’s all right to have pretty syntax (compared with the historical case of templates where complex syntax was apparently required to ensure distinction from “normal”). This proposal was sometimes called “C++ concepts lite” meaning mainly that did not have mapping.

Very high level what we got is the following.

The C++20 concepts check syntax requirements when using templates. It uses two new keywords: concept and requires.

A requires expression looks like a function and can be used to capture such requirements. E.g. the one below can be used to check that two variables of type T can be added together (operator+ can be either a member of T or a standalone function: it does not matter which, as long as x + x compiles).

requires (T x) { x + x; }

Inside the curly brackets of the require clause you can (and usually have) a sequence of checks.

The keyword concept allows combining such requirements using AND and OR logical operators and giving them a name. Itself it is parametrised like a template: usually types, can take more than one type, but also non-type parameters such as an int value.

Here is a simple usage:

template<typename T>
concept addable = requires(T x) { x + x; };

Here is a usage that uses logical operators to combine checks:

template<typename T>
concept small_addable = addable<T> && (sizeof(T) <= 4);

Both concept and the requires expression effectively provide a bool which is true it the checks pass. E.g. it can provide info that a matrix type, a scalar type, 0 and 1 can be used together to multiply the matrix by the scalar and obtain a matrix, to build the scalar type from 0 or 1 etc.

Then when you have a template (e.g. function or class templates) you can enforce those checks. The keyword requires is reused here in a requires clause:

template<typename T>
T add(T x, T y)
  requires addable<T>
  return x + y;

For simple cases like the one above we can have nicer syntax:

template<addable T>
T add(T x, T y)
  return x + y;

and in some cases the even simpler:

template<typename T>
concept incrementable = requires (T x) { ++x; x++; };

auto add_one(incrementable auto x)
  return ++x;

Note that this simpler form would not work for the add function above without further changes because x and y would not necessarily be the same type.

In complex cases the more verbose syntax is also available (the first requires is the clause, the second the expression).

template<typename T>
T add(T x, T y)
  requires requires(T x) { x + x; }
  return x + y;

Using all this mechanics, the compiler can check if the constraints are satisfied and either ignore a candidate that does not meet the constraints or give an error. The selection mechanism is more convenient than alternatives e.g. std::enable_if. This helped with the std::ranges library where the compiler can choose different functions based on weather the arguments are iterators or ranges for example.

The errors are not necessarily shorter.

Some concepts were added to the language, though note that std::regular is weaker than the definition I gave in the previous article: it does not require order.

Just a tool

Concepts are useful in the field of writing libraries that have generic solutions to constrain the kind of types that the library was designed to handle.

In the end, the C++ concepts are just a tool that covers largely syntactic checks for generic solutions, an imperfect approximation of concepts in general. How much the C++ concepts help depends a lot on how they are used.

That’s similar with struct: it allows to refer to a group of members, but the developer has to figure out which members to put together for say a struct containing the info about a person. The exact syntax requirements to check via concepts fall out of thinking what types would be suitable for a generic solution and careful library design.

Often C++ concepts lead to a version of duck typing: “If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck”, i.e. if a type matches this list of syntax requirements, then it matches the C++ concept, therefore it must match the concept for which the library was designed. The amount of checks is a matter of taste: increasing the number of checks increases the confidence that it’s a duck, i.e. that it matches the concept, but too many restrictions might unnecessarily reject a type that would still work.


Al Stevens Interviews Alex Stepanov (Dr. Dobb’s Journal March 1995 issue)

Concepts wording reference (Andrew Sutton):