There are all sorts of types that sometimes try to have regular characteristics. A taxonomy of regular types.

This article is part of a series on the history of regular data type in C++.

There are all sorts of types. The quote “Good types are all alike; every poorly designed type is poorly defined in its own way. - Adapted with apologies to Leo Tolstoy” from Titus Winters’ blog on regular types is particularly relevant.

Regular data types are important because:

  • they are close to what the current computer architecture does: they define how data memory should be interpreted
  • allow algorithmic, mathematical reasoning about the code

This results in scope for efficient computation and ease of reasoning about code, so some types try to have regular characteristics.

There are proper strong regular types. They have have default constructor, destructor, copy, move, all proper comparison operators and all of the many semantic expectations.

Good regular examples are:

  • int: the dream regular type.
  • std::string: copy could throw, but that’s usually OK, all dynamically allocated containers have this issue.
  • std::vector: it is regular if the value_type is regular (it does lexicographical compare, which is what one would expect), but not if the value_type is not regular. It still makes sense to be able to store contiguously items, even if not regular.
  • std::pair: similar issues with the vector, it all depends on member types. It does memberwise compare, which is what one would expect.
  • std::optional: orders the nullopt value ahead of the underlying value_type order. That’s OK.
  • std::shared_ptr: does shallow copy and comparison, but that OK, it uses atomics to address expectations around threading.

And then there are types that miss the regular train in some (often unique to them) way:

  • Types like std::map in the Microsoft implementation that might throw for default constructor or move constructor, but are otherwise OK. They might also not have caught fully with constexpr support.
  • Types like std::unordered_map where the equality time complexity might be N^2, but are otherwise OK. Maybe you say that those cases are outside the domain of equality comparison
  • Types like float have multiple issues around NaN (domain issues) and -0.0/+0.0 (== does not mean equality)
  • Types like string_view which are not semantically regular e.g. you take a copy, you change the original string, but then it’s still equal to the original (because it’s a view to the same data). Because it’s a constant view into data, it just about gets away with doing a shallow copy, but a deep compare.
  • span unlike string_view also does a shallow copy of the pointers and determine the range, but does not get away with doing a deep compare
  • Then the standard relaxed the requirements further where the std::regular concept does not require order. E.g. C++ iterators; note though they could have had order, it’s just that order for two iterators would reflect the location in memory, not in the sequence (think pointers to nodes in a linked list), and some would find that confusing.
  • And then further relaxed for std::semiregular to not even have equality
  • vtable interface based types that use clone methods to copy, with their own issues around comparisons
  • Types that can’t be copied like RAII C-handle wrappers, but can be moved
  • Types that aren’t even meant to be moved or copied like trait types: they are just some syntactic mechanism to communicate with the compiler.

Some deviations from regular are meant to be, but others are caused by poor design.

In particular using == and < to mean less than equality and “less than” (pun intended) is wrong. Define instead methods like is_equivalent or preceeds and use those to customise algorithms.


Revisiting Regular Types: by Titus Winters, 2018
in particular for a discussion of options around string_view and span