An interesting lesson on C++ capabilities and complexity and an introspection on developer’s thinking process.


You want a type to store a JSON value: a simple one (like null, number, boolean, string) or a compound one (like a sequence/array or a dictionary/object). How hard can it be?

So you start with a std::variant:

using Value = std::variant<std::monostate, int, double, bool, std::string,
  std::vector<Value>, std::map<std::string, Value>>;
// fails here ^ with "'Value' was not declared in this scope"

This does not work. When encountering std::vector<Value> on line 2, the compiler will error with something like 'Value' was not declared in this scope, because Value can only be used after the semicolon ; at the end of the line 2.

This is because using is used in this context to create an alias (an alternative name) to a type and the alias cannot be used (currently) to define the very thing that it tries to name.

Attempt 1: usage of incomplete type

We can declare a struct and have the variant as a member variable:

struct Value
  std::variant<std::monostate, int, double, bool, std::string,
    std::vector<Value>, std::map<std::string, Value>> data;

Unlike the using above, this works. When the compiler encounters std::vector<Value> on line 4, the Value type is incomplete, which allows using it subject to limitations regarding the size of Value. And it does not matter because the size of data depends on the size of std::vector<Value>, which is typically three pointers (for begin, end and capacity), it does not depend on the size of Value (similarly for the std::map).

This is a very old trick, required to do basic things such as to define the Node in a linked list. The compiler can determine below the size of a Node: it’s the size of the member variable, which is a pointer:

struct Node {
  Node * next;
  // more members here

However the code below does not work, we hit the limitations of an incomplete type, because to determine the size of a Node the compiler needs to know the size of the member x, which is of the size of a Node: the very thing that it tries to establish to start with.

struct Node {
  Node x;
  //   ^ error "field 'x' has incomplete type 'Node'"

The problem with this solution is that we have to keep on using .data to access the value we’re looking for inside a variable of type Value. That is not the end of the world, but we’ve been there before: overuse of c_str() for strings anyone?

Attempt 2: “fix”

This second attempt uses the advice from a stackoverflow answer using the Fix type:

template<typename T>
using Var = std::variant<std::monostate, int, double, bool, std::string,
  std::vector<T>, std::map<std::string, T>>;

template <template<typename> typename K>
struct Fix : K<Fix<K>> {
  using K<Fix>::K;

using Value = Fix<Var>;

There are three parts to the code above.

The first is straight forward. It declares Var as a alias for a variant where actual type to store in the std::vector and std::map is a type T to be specified later.

The last part just declares that our Value type is a instantiation of Fix with Var as a template parameter.

But the middle part declaring Fix is relatively unusual despite it’s brevity.

The stackoverflow answer provides a link to the wikipedia page describing the fixed-point combinator. In summary, it’s about a higher-order function which takes a function as an argument and returns a value that maps to itself of its argument function (if such a value exists). The claim is that the Fix template does such a thing at compile time, therefore the name “fix” does not mean the verb “to repair”, but rather the verb “to fasten something in a particular place”.

But I find it really hard to determine how the code maps to the mathematical idea (we deal with types, not functions), so let’s look at the three elements of Fix.

First: it’s a template, the template parameter K is a “template template parameter”. Let’s remind ourselves. A template parameter is usually a type, Also sometimes it can be something that’s not a type e.g. an integral value. But there is a third choice, where the template parameter is a type which itself it is a template: a “template template parameter”. That template that K is, takes one type as a template parameter.

Second: Fix is derived from K<Fix<K>>. Later, in using Value = Fix<Var>, Fix ends up instantiated with K being Var, so this is an attempt to derive from a Var instantiated with the derived type. Deriving from a base class that uses the derived class as a template argument is a known pattern called curiously recurring template pattern, but in this case it’s a more unusual usage because K is a template template parameter.

Third: the constructors of the base class are lifted in the derived class. This means that the derived class, which is meant to keep a JSON value, can be constructed from an int, std::string, etc. in the same as a the base class can, the base class being a std::variant of those.

This attempt achieves the goal of not having to use .data to reach the value. This is because inheritance from std::variant creates the situation where the derived class is a variant compared with the previous attempt where the class has a variant as a member variable.

But it does so with a significant cost of complexity. Sure, it’s one off complexity, which makes usage easier, but despite it’s brevity it’s still code that very few would be able to completely understand and explain how it works.

Attempt 3: “no fix”

But what if from the previous attempt we try to keep the essential parts: the inheritance mechanism and the using to lift the constructors. Then we end with something like:

template<typename T>
using Var = std::variant<std::monostate, int, double, bool, std::string,
  std::vector<T>, std::map<std::string, T>>;

struct Value : Var<Value> {
  using Var<Value>::Var;

This solves the problem of the first attempt, no need to use .data, but with much lower complexity than the second attempt, the troubling Fix is gone, we’re left with

  • a using statement for Var (it makes sense, it’s used more than once later)
  • inheritance from Var instantiated with the derived type
  • a using statement to lift the constructors of the base class into the derived one

We can use Value like this:

int main() {
  Value a{ 42 };
  Value b{ "some string" };
  Value v = std::vector<Value>{ a, b };
  return std::get<int>(std::get<std::vector<Value>>(v)[0]);
  // returns 42


Even the final solution is not trivial. But it actually demonstrates a strength of C++. We started with a very specific requirement and we could accomplish it, most importantly to simplify the usage which helps since most types are used more than once.

There are psychological obstacles in transitioning between the solution attempts. The first attempt requires you to use .data to access the value. It’s easy to just stop there. The second attempt is very complex, it’s hard to not be overwhelmed by the details of the complexity and continue to look for a simpler solution.


Stack overflow answer using the Fix type

Wikipedia page on the Fixed-point combinator

Wikipedia page on Curiously recurring template pattern