Sample family of formal systems for number theory

The point of formal systems is to enable clear verifications of mathematical proofs.

Formal systems setup

We start with a finite set of symbols.

Formulas are specific finite sequences of symbols. The rules defining which sequences of symbols are formulas are such that we can check that a string of symbols is a formula in a finite, efficient number of steps.

NOTE: Be aware that in some texts they call any sequences of symbols formulas, and what I call formula is called there a “well formed formula”.

A deduction, from a set of formulas called assumptions, is a sequence of formulas, where each formula in the sequence is justified either as being one of the assumptions or using a rule, called postulate, which can require previous formulas in the sequence. The last formula in the sequence is the deducted formula.

By “list of assumptions \(\vdash\) formula”, we state that there is a deduction from the list of assumptions on the left to the formula on the right, without fully showing the specific deduction sequence. Note that the \(\vdash\) and comma are symbols outside the formal system set of symbols.

A proof is a deduction with an empty set of assumptions. The last formula in the sequence of formulas for a proof is called a theorem.

We’ve got a similar setup with an empty list of assumptions for proofs: “\(\vdash\) formula”.

I’ll describe a sample formal system for number theory. Number here is a natural number: 0, 1, 2, etc. It is just one of the many similar formal systems for number theory. Ironically for a formal system the description here will be quite informal, many details will be skipped.

Sample symbols

The set of symbols used in our formal system is:

  • for logical operations:
    • ”\(\to\)” implies
    • ”\(\lnot\)” negation
    • ”\(\forall\)” for all
  • for numbers operations and relations:
    • ”\(\cdot\)” multiply
    • ”\(+\)” add
    • ”\(=\)” equal
    • ”’” successor (a tick mark) i.e. add one
  • for constants: “\(0\)”
  • for variables: “\(x\)”
  • parentheses: “\((\)” and “\()\)”

Near the symbols I’ve put some human meaning, but the eventual purpose is for proofs in the systems to be able to be carried mechanically, devoid of the meaning.

Sample formulas

Then you can build sequences of such symbols.

In particular notice that we don’t have symbols for \(1\), \(2\), \(3\) etc. They are represented using the successor (tick mark) repeatedly. \(3\) is just an abbreviation for “\(0'''\)” (a zero followed by three tick marks).

Similarly an infinite number of variable names can be created using one symbol \(x\) and a number of tick marks. I’ll ignore that, be imprecise and use directly small letters \(x\), \(y\), etc. as variable names.

Lots of parentheses are required in a formal system. I’ll ignore, be imprecise and use parentheses only when required to disambiguate.

What we loose on precision, we gain in accuracy for human readers, otherwise basic formulas have lots of tick marks and parentheses.

To identify which sequences of symbols are formulas we have rules roughly like:

  • \(0\) and \(x\) are terms
  • if \(t\) and \(s\) are terms then so are \(t'\), \(t + s\) and \(t \cdot s\)
  • if \(t\) and \(s\) are terms then \(t = s\) is a formula
  • if \(A\) and \(B\) are formulas then so are \(\lnot A\), \(A \to B\), \(\forall x A\)

The important bit about these rules is that given a sequence of symbols, one can establish if it’s a formula (well formed) mechanically through a finite, efficient process.

Sequences of symbols that are not formulas: “\(+ 0 x = \forall\)” and “\() 0 0 + \lnot\)”. They look like gibberish.

Example formulas are:

  • ”\(x + 0 = x\)”: x plus zero equals x
  • ”\(x + x = x\)”: x plus x equals x (true when x is 0, but false when x is 1)
  • ”\(\forall x \lnot(x' = 0)\)”: for all x we have x + 1 different from 0

The meaning I associated to formulas is just for us humans, the point is that we’ll want to be possible to perform the checks mechanically, devoid of meaning.

Sample postulates

Postulates for the propositional calculus
Axiom schema A1. $$A \to (B \to A)$$
Axiom schema A2. $$(B \to (C \to D)) \to ((B \to C) \to (B \to D))$$
Axiom schema A3. $$(\lnot C \to \lnot B) \to ((\lnot C \to B) \to C)$$
Rule of inference MP (modus ponens) $${A, A \to B \over B}$$
Additional postulates for the predicate calculus
Axiom schema A4 (see notes). $$\forall x B(x) \to B(t)$$
Axiom schema A5 (see notes). $$(\forall x (B \to C)) \to (B \to \forall x C)$$
Rule of inference Gen (generalisation) $$B \over \forall x B$$
Additional postulates for the number theory
Axiom A6. $$x + 0 = x$$
Further axioms for number theory ...


  • A4 requires: \(t\) must be a term that is free for \(x\) in \(B(x)\)
  • A5 requires: \(B\) does not contain free occurrences of \(x\)

Kinds of postulates

Some postulates are axioms, a postulate which is a formula, e.g. A6. To use it as a justification for a formula in a deduction, you just need to identify the axiom. An axiom is in effect a kind of additional assumption.

Others are axiom schemas, e.g. A1. They define an infinite set of axioms. E.g. in \(A \to (B \to A)\) you can replace \(A\) and \(B\) with any formula, each time you do so you instantiate a specific axiom that matches the axiom schema. To use it in a deduction, you need to identify the axiom schema and the formulas used as replacements.

The third kind we used are rules of inference, e.g. MP and Gen. They have the form of one or more premises (above the horizontal line) and a conclusion (under the horizontal line). To use the conclusion if a rule of inference in a deduction, you need to identify the rule of inference and the previous positions at which the premises occur, in the sequence of formulas of the deduction.

One can think of axioms and axiom schemas of special cases of rules of inference with no premises.

Sample propositional calculus

The first group of postulates (axiom schemas A1 to A3 and the rule of inference MP) can be used separately to create a formal system for propositional calculus. This is the kind of formal system where formulas are linked by logical operators like \(\lnot\) (logical not), \(\&\) (and), \(\lor\) (inclusive or), \(\to\) (material implication). There are similar/equivalent systems that use more symbols and there is also the possibility to have just one logical operator.

Sample predicate calculus

We get a sample formal system for predicate calculus if we use the first two groups of postulates (axiom schemas A1 to A5 and the two rules of inference MP and Gem). Often such systems have two quantifiers: \(\exists\) and \(\forall\), ours has just one, like we’ve done for logical operators.

This is a first-order logic, which means that the quantifiers apply to variables of values \(x\) as opposed also predicates/properties.

Sample number theory

You need all the postulates above for a number theory formal system. In fact I’ve only shown one of the additional postulates required, but for our purpose it’s sufficient to say that it contains no additional rules of inference on top of the ones for predicate calculus.