Reading notes for Stephen Cole Kleene: Introduction to Metamathematics (Ishi Press: 2009 reprint)


Why did I choose this book

  • undestand Goedel’s incompleteness theorem
    • because of it’s ramnifications on the limits of a formal system
    • and potential implications on: is there a single best way to program?
  • undestand core mathematical concepts such as consistency, completeness, recursion
  • and implication on decision e.g.
    • it might be theoretically impossible, but practically it’s not an issue: if we can’t decide in the available time, we’ll change the solution

I really like the style of this book: it’s a classic style similar to “Elements of Programming” where things are told clearly (albeit the subject is difficult, clearly does not make it trivially easy) and it seems sound, details are analysed precisely (e.g. under which circumstances we can elide parentheses and why, with proof). Even for things that I found difficult at a first reading, on a third reading I found that actually the text contained the information required, though maybe not emphasised enough (maybe due to the constraint of keeping the length of the book relatively short).

Suitability of propositional calculus

On the interpretation of the propositional calculus (p138), he shows that it, the propositional calculus, is a suitable logical instrument when the propositions are (or we make the assumption that they are) definitely either true or false.

For the deduction below:

  1. It is rainy (first assumption)
  2. If it is rainy then I’ll carry an umbrella (second assumption)
  3. I’ll carry an umbrella (By applying rule 2 on propositions 1 and 2)

The issue is that with for example the first proposition, there will be cases where it definitely is rainy (and also cases when it definitely is not rainy), but there are also ambiguous cases. How do we establish if it’s raining? How long are we going to wait to determine if it’s raining? In practice we accept that there will be situations where it actually did rain, but was not protected by an umbrella. And the fault rests with applying the propositional calculus where it was not a perfect match.

The meaning of natural numbers

The book starts with a beautiful observation (p1) about us humans finding something in common between four sheep and four trees that is different to a pile of three stones or a grove of seven trees. In that context he refers to cardinal number (i.e. number representing the size of a set). But it also opens the door for an understanding of what natural numbers are.

I hold the view that numbers are human inventions, they don’t exist in some metaphysical absolute space for us to discover. Human not in the absolute sense that other species could not contemplate the idea of number, on the contrary, our nervous system is similar to other species, we might have taken the idea of number to another level, but I would not be surprised if other species would be able to react to one, two, many. It comes from the nervous system making correlations, finding similarities in order to make predictions. In practice when doing maths it’s quite useful to assume and talk about numbers as if they exist.

But like in the propositional calculus discussion above, the numbers are likely suitable for cases where we can identify clearly distinct entities, and not so directly applicable when that’s not the case. Some of Zeno’s paradoxes really expose the unsuitability of representing distance of something that can be divided exactly forever, in practice we arrive at atomic levels where due to particles and uncertainty that is not the case, the human scale experience of continuous space/real numbers/euclidian geometry is incorrect at a certain physical low level.

Adding new axioms impacts subsidiary deductions rules

A direct deduction rule remains correct when a system is extended by adding new axioms (p94). That’s because a direct deduction rule only states that certain deduction can be constructed and new axioms only change the situation by providing additional means of constructing the same deduction.

But for for a rule that employs a subsidiary deduction, such as the deduction theorem, adding new axioms can create cases of subsidiary deductions and raise the question if they can be matched in the resulting deduction (p95).

That’s why the deduction theorem is proved for propositional logic, but when the system is extended to predicate logic the proof needs to be revisited.


The ideas for decision problems are not so unusual. For example the determinant of a matrix is so called because it determines if a set of linear equations has a unique solution. Calculating the determinant answers the question without providing the solution of the set of equations.

Predicate calculus: finite vs infinite objects

A predicate calculus formula that captures properties of “less than” relation: anti-reflexive, transitivity, and no upper bound, using \(\mathcal{A}(a, b)\) instead of \(a < b\), can be written as:

\[\forall a \lnot \mathcal{A}(a,a) \quad \& \quad \forall a \forall b \forall c [\mathcal{A}(a, b) \& \mathcal{A}(b, c) \to \mathcal{A}(a, c)] \quad \& \quad \forall a \exists b \mathcal{A}(a, b)\]

If the domain of the variables has a finite \(k > 0\) number of objects, the formula is not satisfiable (i.e. cannot be interpreted true for any combination of objects), but it is satisfiable in the enumerable (infinite) domain of natural numbers. It’s negation is valid (i.e. interpreted true) for every finite domain of \(k > 0\) objects, but not valid for the enumerable domain.

This is a fantastic puzzling example that are shows different outcomes between finite and enumerable infinite sets, that illustrate the intuitionist argument that we can’t automatically extend rules of logic that work with finite sets to infinite sets.

Difficult points

  • notation for M ~ N1 in N p10 means “M has the same cardinality of N1 which is a subset of N”, but that’s not explained
  • intuitionism, naming: it’s not about intuition in general, specific constructive ideas can be identified
  • lack of explaining of resolutions of the paradoxes
  • the proof by induction for the deduction theorem made harder by re-using B and by using A and A(x) for the predicate calculus version (where A and A(x) are totally different formulas)
  • a lot to go through the formal system without interpretation and or explanation/motivation for the choice of axioms; some explanations can be found later, but are spread out and not emphasised enough/difficult to find
  • a lot of fine points “free for”, “dependence”, “variance” etc. for the predicate logic, difficult to get without interpretation. Important note about dependence is considered “it is easily seen” on p95 without expanding that it means that if the deducted formula does not depend on an assumption, the assumption can be discarded