What we need to know about C arrays so that we get the C++ vector.


In the “How vector works” series of blogs I’m going to cover how I look at the std::vector, the default container in C++. The first article in the series looks at arrays, the data structure that the vector competes with and look at positions in an array and how they generalise to iterators and ranges.


An array is a memory contiguous sequence of values.

With an array we need to know where it starts. For that, a pointer is usually used, e.g. begin, which points to the memory location of the first value in the array.


To identify the position of a value in an array we need a pointer to that value.

Incrementing or decrementing the pointer advances by one the position forward or backward. To do that, the code generated by the compiler adds or subtracts from the pointer the size of an element in the array.

Similarly to advance the pointer by N, the code generated by the compiler multiplies the size of an element by N and adjusts the pointer accordingly.

In practical terms, the C/C++ syntax accepts the name of an array e.g. some_array as a pointer to the first value. The syntax provides the index operator: some_array[i] will start with the pointer to the beginning of the array and advance it i times the size of an element in the array. Another way of getting the pointer to the array is to take the address of the first element (at index 0): &some_array[0].

Three options for sequence length

We also need to know how long the sequence is. For that we either need to:

  • Use another pointer (in general two pointers can define a range)
  • Use or know the size (e.g. at compile time)
  • Use a special value (a sentinel, e.g. 0 for sequences of characters). This requires the array to be one value bigger.

Two pointers

I’m going to focus on the option of using two pointers for the range of values in an array: begin and end.

std::begin(some_array) and std::end(some_array) can be used to obtain the begin and end pointers for some C array.

Despite the name, end does not point to the last element in the array, instead it is advanced one position after the last element in the array, hence the position is referred to one past the last.

Rules of the language going as far as C allow us to use a pointer like end, as long as we don’t dereference it. The end must not be dereferenced, it does not point to a value. That’s another way of saying that we should not read from or write to the address pointed by end.

This mechanism allows us to represent empty arrays where begin is equal to end.

The mechanism to traverse the array involves a loop similar to the one below:

for (auto it = std::begin(some_array); it != std::end(some_array); ++it)
  // process value obtained by dereferencing `*it`

Position which points to or between

The two pointers are positions. The position is a more fundamental element of vocabulary then a range. There are two ways of looking at a pointer representing a position.

In the hardware view the pointer points to a memory location, e.g. the first byte of a value. This captures best the ideas like:

  • the end points to one past the last, which should not be dereferenced
  • [begin, end) is the representation of a closed-open mathematical range which includes the value pointed by begin, but excludes the value pointed by end.

Points to

Another view is to think that positions point in between the values in the sequence. Sean Parent uses this representation.

Points between

In both views they illustrate the issue that for a sequence of N elements, N + 1 positions are required. When designing data structures, this requires attention to the number of bits required for positions for a certain maximum number of elements.

Ultimately it’s problem not limited to arrays. For a fence of 50m, with fence panels of 10m, 6 posts are required, not 5. As old of 1st century BC, Vitruvius in his De Architectura book III, chapter 4 advices that to build a temple of a length twice the front width, one should use twice the space between the columns (intercolumniation), not twice the columns. Or else he warns:

For those who made double the number of the columns seem to be at fault because in the length one more intercolumniation than is necessary seems to occur.

Vitruvius temple

Pointer and size

Using two pointers is logically equivalent to using a pointer and size (because of the pointer arithmetic increments in sizeof(value):

  • the size can be calculated by end - begin
  • the end can be calculated by begin + size

We can convert between the two choices as required, when there is a gain to be made on the number of calculations.

For situations where we consume from the sequence, it requires to update both the pointer and the remaining size, so using two pointers is better for this scenario.

The mechanism to traverse the array using a pointer and size involves a loop similar to the one below:

for (size_t i = 0; i != std::size(some_array); ++i)
  // process value obtained by dereferencing `*(begin + i)`
  // or equivalently access `some_array[i]`

The disadvantage is that two calculations are required for each iteration: one to increment i, and another to calculate the current pointer position begin + i, though it’s such a common pattern that the processor might help with it (e.g. by addressing modes in the instruction set).

The pointer and size approach is useful for divide (in half) and conquer (e.g. partition_point, lower_bound etc.), because the half is easily obtained by dividing the size.

std::begin(some_array) and std::size(some_array) can be used to obtain the begin pointer and the number of elements for some C array.

Pointer and sentinel

Using a sentinel is the approach used by C-style zero terminated strings, the zero terminator being the sentinel.

The mechanism to traverse the array involves a loop similar to the one below:

for (auto it = std::begin(some_array); *it != 0 ; ++it)
  // process value obtained by dereferencing `*it`

Obviously care needs to be taken to ensure that the sentinel exist and will be met before going past the array size.

Generalize to iterators and ranges

The three options above (two pointers, pointer and size, pointer and sentinel) can be used to define additional ranges, not just the range of the whole array.

The range can be expressed using two postions.

If so, by convention, first and last are used for the positions defining the range, as opposed to begin and end which refer to the whole range of a array. All the issues about end apply to last e.g., despite it’s name, last does not point to the last element in the range, but one past last.

Or the range can be wrapped into a range object, with member(s) for the position(s) involved.

The positions can be generalized for other containers than arrays, that’s what the iterators are for sequential data structures. In some cases they might loose certain features e.g. array iterators have the ability for arbitrary jumps (random iterators), while lists only have the ability to advance efficiently one position at a time.

When the sentinel approach is generalized (e.g. to deal with an input iterator reading from a file until file end) in order to be able to use it with generic algorithms it might be needed to:

  • use a type for most positions (including begin`)
  • but have a different type for the end` iterator, e.g. an empty type with no data
  • override the equality comparing between the type of begin and type of end e.g. to check if the value at pointer is the sentinel, or if the end of file was reached
  • generic functions take the range positions as arguments of different type (for begin/fist and end/last), but return the type of begin when they return a position

Const and reverse iterators

Iterators that allow getting a value, but not changing it are called const iterators.

For a const array std::begin(some_array) and std::end(some_array) are overloaded to return const iterators. For cases where the array is not const use std::cbegin(some_array) and std::cend(some_array) to explicitly retrieve const iterators.

To traverse an array in the reverse order you can use reverse iterators.

To obtain the range of an array as reverse iterator you can use std::rbegin(some_array) and std::rend(some_array) (and their const counterparts std::crbegin(some_array) and std::crend(some_array)).

Incrementing a reverse operator actually goes a position backwards rather than forwards.

for (auto it = std::rbegin(some_array); it != std::rend(some_array) ; ++it)
  // process value obtained by dereferencing `*it`
  // the array is traversed in reverse order

Note that for an array the reverse iterators point one past the element that they will access. The hardware view of positions is more useful in this case.

E.g. std::rbegin(some_array) has and underlying pointer to one past the last element in the array like std::end(some_array) just like std::end(some_array), but, when std::rbegin(some_array) is dereferenced, will decrement the pointer and access the last element in the array, unlike std::end(some_array) which should not be dereferenced.


Beware of idioms using more elements than required. E.g. functions that require an array, an offset AND a length as arguments in order to pass a array range are not minimalistic. That might be required only because of language limitations (e.g. Java). Two pointers (or a pointer and length) is enough.

Similarly, when we access an array using an index e.g. some_array[i], behind the scenes the array start pointer is incremented i positions to obtain the pointer for the value at index i. If we need to store, or pass as a function argument, or return from a function the position for the value at index i, a single pointer is enough. We don’t need to store/pass both a pointer to the beginning of the array AND an index.