Deduction theorem for the predicate calculus

Sample propositional calculus

We’re using the for the predicate calculus a sample formal system with the following postulates in addition to the ones for the propositional calculus:

Axiom schema A4 (see notes). $$\forall x B(x) \to B(t)$$
Axiom schema A5 (see notes). $$(\forall x (B \to C)) \to (B \to \forall x C)$$
Rule of inference Gen (generalisation) $$B \over \forall x B$$


  • A4 requires: \(t\) must be a term that is free for \(x\) in \(B(x)\)
  • A5 requires: \(B\) does not contain free occurrences of \(x\)

We’ll see that these restrictions (the one for axiom schema A5 in particular that \(B\) does not contain free occurrences of \(x\)) will result in restrictions in the deduction theorem for the predicate calculus (compared with the one for propositional calculus).


For the predicate calculus:

If \(\Gamma, A \vdash B\), with the free variables not varied (i.e. held constant) for the assumption formula \(A\), then \(\Gamma \vdash A \to B\).

Proof idea

Similar to the proof for the deduction theorem for the propositional calculus. That was done by induction on the length of the deduction.

We are given a sequence of formulas \(D_0, D_1, D_2, ... , D_j\) where the last formula \(D_j\) is \(B\) and each formula \(D_i\) in the sequence is properly justified.

We distinguish the following cases justifying a formula \(D_i\). \(D_i\) is:

  • (a) one of the formulas in \(\Gamma\)
  • (b) the formula A
  • (c) an axiom (e.g. by one of the axioms schemas A1 to A5)
  • (d) an immediate consequence (i.e. the conclusion) by the rule of inference MP, where the premises for applying MP are preceding formulas in the deduction sequence.
  • (e) an immediate consequence (i.e. the conclusion) by the rule of inference Gen, where the premise for applying Gen is a preceding formula in the deduction sequence.

The axioms A4 and A5, do not fundamentally change the proof.

But the rule of inference Gen creates a new case (e). The restriction that free variables are not varied for the assumption formula \(A\) mean that case (e), where \(D_i\) is justified by applying Gen, can be broken into:

  • (e1) the application is not for a free variable in \(A\)
  • (e2) the application is not for a formula depending on \(A\)

Induction proposition

With respect to a index \(n\) and the sequence of formulas above, the induction proposition \(P(n)\) is: “If \(\Gamma, A \vdash D_n\) (of length n + 1), with the free variables not varied (i.e. held constant) for the assumption formula \(A\), then \(\Gamma \vdash A \to D_n\)”.

Base case

For the base case (\(D_0\)) we can only have cases (a), (b) or (c) (not (d) or (e) because they require premises to be preceding formulas).

Proof is same as for propositional calculus.

Induction step

We need to show: “If \(\Gamma, A \vdash D_{n + 1}\) (of length n + 2), then \(\Gamma \vdash A \to D_{n + 1}\)”, while relying on the induction proposition \(P(k)\): “If \(\Gamma, A \vdash D_k\) (of length k + 1), then \(\Gamma \vdash A \to D_k\)” for all \(0 \le k \le n\), with the restriction that the free variables not varied (i.e. held constant) for the assumption formula \(A\) in the subsidiary deductions.

For cases (a), (b), (c) and (d)

Proof is same as for propositional calculus.

For case (e)

We are given a deduction from \(\Gamma, A\) where the last formula in the deduction sequence, \(D_{n + 1}\), was obtained by applying Gen on a premise preceding \(D_{n + 1}\). Let \(D_i\) be those premises for the application of Gen (with \(i\) less than \(n + 1\)). We also know that to apply the Gen rule: \(D_{n + 1}\) must be of the form \(\forall x D_i\).

This then is taken case by case in (e1) and (e2).

For case (e1)

For this case we also know that the application of the Gen rule to deduce \(D_{n + 1}\) was done for a variable \(x\) which is not free in \(A\).

Therefore we can build a deduction from \(\Gamma\) as the following sequence of formulas:

  • formula p: \(A \to D_i\) - as per the induction assumption, for \(k\) being \(i\), there is a deduction \(\Gamma \vdash A \to D_i\) (assuming it takes p preceding formulas in the deduction)
  • formula p + 1: \(\forall x (A \to D_i)\) - rule Gen (on formula p)
  • formula p + 2: \((\forall x (A \to D_i)) \to (A \to \forall x D_i)\) - axiom schema A5, noting that we meet the requirement that \(A\) does not have the variable \(x\) free
  • formula p + 3: \(A \to D_{n + 1}\) - rule MP (on p + 1 and p + 2) noting that for case (e) we have \(D_{n + 1}\) is \(\forall x D_i\)

For case (e2)

For this case we also know that \(D_{n + 1}\) does not depend on \(A\), therefore \(D_i\) does not depend on \(A\).

Therefore we can build a deduction from \(\Gamma\):

  • formula p: \(D_i\) - as \(D_i\) does not depend of \(A\) in \(\Gamma, A \vdash D_i\), then there is a deduction of \(D_i\) from just \(\Gamma\).
  • formula p + 1: \(D_{n + 1}\) - by rule Gen (on formula p) noting that for case (e) we have \(D_{n + 1}\) is \(\forall x D_i\)
  • formula p + 2: \(D_{n + 1} \to (A \to D_{n + 1})\) - axiom schema A1
  • formula p + 3: \(A \to D_{n + 1}\) - rule MP (on p + 1 and p + 2)

This completes the proof.

Note that we did not use axiom schema A4.